Archive for January, 2010

This Is a Formal Announcement That Our Next Comic ~WILL BE~ Finder’s Keepers

We’re counting on most of you scratching your heads at the title of our next world to inhabit as it’s a story that has less eyes on it than either Captain Excelsior or Rice Boy did. Our mission statement at Digital Strips is to bring more webcomics to the forefront, bringing those strips that may go unnoticed to at least a few more readers who may propagate them to their friends and so on and so forth. It is in this spirit that we bring our heroes to the dark, mysterious dream world of Finder’s Keepers.

Creator Garth Cameron Graham has done an amazing job of crafting an intricate and beautiful world for his characters and it will be an honor to walk amongst them, if only for a short time. The next arc won’t start for a little while, so why not take this time to read through the archives? When you’ve finished reading the story thus far (another difference from the other strips we’ve featured thus far is that this strip is still ongoing) go have a listen to our thoughts about the comic on the Digital Strips Podcast.

There’s Been A ~SLIGHT~ Change To The Schedule

For the time being, Heiko and I have decided to postpone the Finder’s Keepers arc of DSA. While we decide where to slot in the story we have in mind for those characters, you really should go check out the comic itself, it comes highly recommended by not one, but two Digital Strips staff members.

So what strip will come next in the queue? How about none other than the gag strip goodness of Imagine This? Creator Lucas Turnbloom has put together quite the fun group of characters with his comic about a man-child who refuses to grow up and the childhood toys that help him to fulfill that purpose. The script that Heiko has worked up for this is pitch perfect for both the IT and DSA universes and I can’t wait to get started on the sketches for Clovis, Darin, Dewey, and the whole gang!

Just as before, stop by Digital Strips for our review of Imagine This and read through the archives to get a taste of what’s in store when we invade… Darin’s dad’s house? Oboy…

A Few Extra Thoughts ~ON~ Episode 3, Page 13

After featuring various webcomics characters in this page, I received notices from nearly everyone seeking legal action. However, when I told them that they, too, could be a part of the awesome fun that is Digital Strips Adventures, they all dropped their respective lawsuits and hopped on board!

Seriously though, I got nice words from everyone involved and it’s only right to give each and every one of them a quick shout, as well as link to their respective reviews over at Digital Strips. Enjoy and wish me luck in convincing every one of them to contribute to the DSA project!

Clockwise, from bottom-left:

Man, from Rosscott’s The System (Episode 168)

Nadia from Ramon Perez’s Kukuburi (Episode 183)

Cailyn and Asher from Garth Cameron Graham’s Finder’s Keepers (Episode 179)

Edmund Finney and Sasquatch from Edmund Finney’s Quest for the Meaning of Life (Episode 176)

Ed and August from Pajama Forest (Episode 178)

Robin Hood from Much the Miller’s Son (Episode 173)

Buff Unicycler from Amazing Superzeroes (Episode 51… ok, this was really just one of my own that I wanted to include, so sue me)

Bill from The Legend of Bill (Episode 163)

Clovis from Imagine This, our next participant of Digital Strips Adventures! (Episode 170)

Welcome To All Legend of Billers!

David Reddick of Legend of Bill was kind enough to drop us a shout-out and so many of you fresh eyes are spying Digital Strips Adventures for the first time! While the most fun of this whole experience is coming from playing in the sandboxes of the best webcomics creators the world has ever seen, there is a story to this whole experiment and it starts here.

If you’re interested in seeing our takes on the greats thus far, click these links to start our stories based on Captain Excelsior by Zach Weiner and Chris Jones and Rice Boy by Evan Dahm (the titles are our takes, the names are their strips which are highly recommended as well).

Thanks again for stopping by and stick around, because our arc featuring the characters of Lucas Turnbloom’s Imagine This begins on Monday!