Episode 3, Page 12: Take Your Cup And Run Home

Episode 3, Page 12: Take Your Cup And Run Home

Just as Little Blue waves to our heroes as they make their way home, we too must bid the world of Rice Boy adieu. Just as I had hoped, this world was amazing to take in and even more fun to try and recreate. As if I hadn’t made this abundantly clear these past few weeks, Evan Dahm is one of the best, most imaginative creators working today and it would be a sin to deny yourself the enjoyment of experiencing his comics any longer.

We’ve got one comic of transition next week (which may or may not contain a Little Blue cameo) and then it’s on to Finder’s Keepers. That strange, mystical world is full of surprises, so peruse the archives to make sure you can keep up!


  1. Edilene says:

    Posted on May 13, 2011 at 2:17 amThank you Mr Brown for helping me with my dad pberom I always found it sad that he tries to hurt me and he never listened to me and my mom never. Now that someone else but my mom and my step dad know they can help me. I hope who ever the princeble tells what my dad does, Really doeas somthing to change him longer then 5 months ( Thats how long he wasent beatting me up after I tried to make him stop ) so again I thank you. Hopefully my dad listens to who ever tells him to stop PS: Sydney was here
