Archive for January 22nd, 2010

There’s Been A ~SLIGHT~ Change To The Schedule

For the time being, Heiko and I have decided to postpone the Finder’s Keepers arc of DSA. While we decide where to slot in the story we have in mind for those characters, you really should go check out the comic itself, it comes highly recommended by not one, but two Digital Strips staff members.

So what strip will come next in the queue? How about none other than the gag strip goodness of Imagine This? Creator Lucas Turnbloom has put together quite the fun group of characters with his comic about a man-child who refuses to grow up and the childhood toys that help him to fulfill that purpose. The script that Heiko has worked up for this is pitch perfect for both the IT and DSA universes and I can’t wait to get started on the sketches for Clovis, Darin, Dewey, and the whole gang!

Just as before, stop by Digital Strips for our review of Imagine This and read through the archives to get a taste of what’s in store when we invade… Darin’s dad’s house? Oboy…