Origins: Midnight, Page 3: They’ll Walk All Over You

Origins: Midnight, Page 3: They’ll Walk All Over You

Just like the old saying goes, “Out of the fortune teller’s shop, and into the theater!” Or something like that. In an effort to keep the story moving along and not let things get static, I want to do what I can to change the scenery with every single page. This change might not be readily apparent, but I feel like, to keep this comic interesting and moving along, it’s important to make the visual side of the equation as exciting as possible. Until I’m confident enough that my style alone can do this, altering the scenery, something that is very easily within my power, is the best option I have available to me.

That being said, the remainder of this Origins tale takes place in the same theater. It’s going to be a challenge to keep it fresh and dynamic while everyone is stuck in the same building, but I’ve reached the point where, if I can’t pull off that simple feat, I probably shouldn’t be doing this as often as I do. Stop by next Monday to find out the answer to that question, as well as whether or not Midnight will get his revenge on the emerging villain that is Wile! Stay tuned!
