Episode 3, Page 3: We’re Following The Leader, The Leader, The Leader

Episode 3, Page 3: We’re Following The Leader, The Leader, The Leader

Man, this page perfectly embodies what I was jazzed about taking on the Rice Boy saga for. The fantastical and gorgeously epic world that Evan Dahm has taken the time to flesh out is just a joy to behold, much less draw and color. I kept wanting to tone down the bright hues and lush tones but Overside is a setting that begs to be enjoyed in the most indulgent manner possible. I would give any amount of money to see a Rice Boy video game, if only so I could walk around in its temples and gallop through the thick fields ’til my heart’s content.

And stay tuned, because the scenery only gets better from here! Don’t trust me? Then read through its incredibly beautiful archives for yourself to get a taste of what we’ve still got in store!
